

Why Don't You Care About Me Again

In eyes that once shone bright with love and light
Now dimly flicker, without a fight
The warmth that once enveloped me in grace
Has faded away, leaving an empty space

Why don't you care about me again?
Did my love become a burden to sustain?
Did my heart become a weight you couldn't bear?
Did my soul become a flame that lost its flare?

Memories linger, like whispers in the night
Of laughter shared, of tears that dried in light
But now, your silence screams, a deafening sound
Leaving me with echoes, that haunt this ground

Why don't you care about me again?
Did I become a chapter you've closed in vain?
Did my love become a song you've stopped singing?
Did my heart become a ghost that keeps on clinging?

In this abyss of indifference, I search for a clue
A reason why the love we had, is no longer true
But like a mirage, it vanishes in thin air
Leaving me with nothing, but a hollow stare

Why don't you care about me again?
Is it because I loved too much, and you too little then?
Or did you find another heart to call your own?
Leaving me to wonder, if I was ever truly known.