

The vows to the future spouse
There I was
Standing in the gap of disposition
Surrounded by sadness from desolation after I was made alive.
There was none of my kind to talk to
Lean on in times loneliness to be comforted
I was sorrounded by creatures that didn't understand the beauty of humanity
Hearkening to the voices crying out of hunger
though there was beauty of all creation in my sight
had everything sweet to the eye.. but, none of these
Could fill this hollow gap within
Till God looked at me and saw the sadness and said "It's not good for a man to be a lone, I'll make him a suitable helper."

There I was, kept seperate for you
in the secret places I was delicately designed to suit you
packed with the bravery of a lionness and calmness of a lamb
I'm meant to submit
willfully doing the will of the Lord as a wife [husband]
surrendering my body body to whom I'm joined to
a bone made alive from your ribcage
filled with life to move by your side
designed with beauty sweet to your sight
Even before you found me
we had never met
but our spirits were corresponding to the unity we have been commanded to keep.

If love was a thing not to tell
I wouldn't be able to keep the secret
cuz by the time I'd try to lock it in my heart
it would be already on my lips

I don't have the words to describe you
but I've painted a picture of you according to the mirror of liberty
what I know is that you are exactly in His image
having a Christlike character
bearing the fruitful seed in you to multiply God's Kingdom

if I had the words to describe you,
I'd cut cackles into a piece of an artwork
draw a sketch of you on a piece of paper
but I fear if my sketch would be perfect
cuz I'd be trembling over your aesthetic, exquisite, stunning resplendent sightly.. look from what God has made you

Fearfully and wonderfully made in His image,
Meant to love, meant to submit our bodies to each other
so we're designed that way
to move side by side
cuz it's unity that keeps
straight the path of marriage

I know you are exactly the excellent woman Solomon wrote about
A deligent God fearing woman working with willing hands
You dress yourself with strength and make your arms strong,
you're the good thing I've just met

I'm sure you are the right man (woman)
who will love me with the love of Christ
laying down your body for me when I'm lifeless
strengthening and lifting me up when I fall
and you will become my joy in times of sorrow
counselling me where I go wrong
but don't judge me
cuz I'm also human I'm not perfect
but if two are better than one,
together, we will be perfect. And whatever the lord has joined,
let no one ever, seperate.

© saakigift