

Prose; For My Love, Whom Hangs the Stars 🥀🌙
Flutter in Prose,
Flatter the sky,
My beautiful rose,
How lavish you lie

Words of venom,
soaked in quill,
Yet how you plant them,
Oh how lyrics could kill

As if the shades,
Bloomed in your words,
As if your face,
Coated poison in melodic reverb

My beautiful butterfly,
My Benevolent wasp,

How you ooze with pride,
And thrive in chaos,

You'd set it all ablaze,
And watch the Heaven's burn,

All to steal the Moon,
And watch the Tides turn

Viscous fly trap

That is who you are.
Yet here I lay,
A fly
in your soft, pillowed, lap
staring, at what was once the stars

© mothra_magica<3