

Your words spark up desire,
They set my soul on fire,
Your body is all I require,
With you I can never tire.

Kiss me in the warmest of places,
Let your lips leave no spaces,
Make me sing out your name,
Make me feel no shame.

Put me on you face to face,
Make me breathless, fasten the pace,
Increase my want and thirst for you,
I want to hear myself say 'I love you.'

Move in me slowly and glide in me softly,
Make my insides sing so happily,
My moans and my words of pleasure to you,
Love me till I come running back to you.

Our sweat and fluids making a heavy connect,
You make me want more to collect,
The memory we make together unsaid,
Making love with you together in bed.
© Ese Naomi