

Cheers 🍻
Cheers 🍻

This is for the friends who were
my best at one point,
but we both needed to realize
that sometimes we grow
in different directions.

here's to the friends who broke my heart,
I hope you learned some sort
of lesson at my expense.

Here's to the ones who made
me laugh at 9pm-
the same ones who poured tears with me into our empty cups at 1am.
Last call.

Here's for tucking me into bed
Cheers, for seeing me at my worse
& Bringing out my best.

here's to the friends that
I couldn't be there for,
and i'm so sorry.

Cheers, to the people who have been there for me ever since I could remember.
I love you.

Here's to the in and outs,
and catching up.
Cheers to new friends,
and all the adventures that lay before us.

Here's to the best nights I've ever had,
Even if space has grown inbetween us.

To you, I hope you're doing well
Cheers because it was real when it was happening.

Here's to uncomfortable banter in the hallways, because I don't know
how to talk to you anymore.

Cheers, to your roles in all my favorite stories

Heres to: I miss you,
but I'm honored to have
gotten to know you like that.