

Winter ☃️
One morning when i was asleep !
A chilled voice whispered in my ear
Hey ! see and who's at your door
"Won't you welcome me" said the winter

Autumn has gone long ago,
Everything seems so calm and quiet
The warmth has turned into cold
As the greenish world covered by
the beautiful carpet of white

Tiny snowflakes falls from the sky
Makes the illusion of sparkling stars,
But nature looks foggy as
the sun goes down
And everywhere we see the
burning flame of fire

Winter is all about making snowman,
and sledding in the snow
Celebration of christmas
and the new year
Sleeping all the day in the cozy blankets
Taste of hot cocoa, and the bread of ginger

As i came back from my imagination
I excitedly jumped from bed
and ran to the door
The cold wind touched my face
I felt mesmerize by the beauty of winter

© Abigail David
Dedicated to Bingu and Amiyah 🙂