

The raging cry that seeks compassion,
The weeping from the deepest part of a weary heart.
Echoing for fear and not for passion,
I can't breathe!

Yet we held our brothers to suffocation,
Thinking we are demi gods .
Just because we possess more ammunition.
But it doesn't stop the cry; I can't breathe!

One blood colour we have,
We are one combined together for the best.
You can't do without your other half.
Listen up! We can't breathe!

We are never herd of cattle,
Treat us as your kind.
So together we hold the mantle.
Because like this; We can't breathe!

The people sits on injustice,
To write the epitaph of their own brothers.
But please do justice
And hear out; We can't breathe!

Racism turns to patriotism,
The morgues are filled with corpse of same colour.
But the government, their voices tells of sarcasm.
Yeah, truly, we can't breathe!

Every life matters ,
Black or white, just a mere colour.
Our tongues and races doesn't matter
What matters is; everyone needs to breathe.

© Nelson Chrysantus O.C