

An Open Prayer
Lord, it's me....I know your there, although many times I've acted as though you were not.

So many times in my life I've faltered but you've never left my side or gave up on your wayward child. I can't say the same for myself as I have done both many times over.

You gave me a strong body, a sound mind and a deep seated sense of right and wrong and asked nothing in return. You showed me the doors to walk through and gave me opportunities others never had.

In return, I've squandered much of what you gave thru ignorance, pride and the pursuit of things that were mere illusions of what was the best in life.

Years have passed and with them so has some of the vigor and enthusiasm that was the flower of my youth. My eyes see less clearly, my step is slower, my bones ache and I'm feeling the inexorable pull of time.

I'm feeling the weight and the gravity of things I did in years past as is the burden of inevitability we all must bare.

Yet I have been blessed with much others have not, two magnificent sons, moments of ecstasy and agony and all that comes between.

I've breathed the air, felt the sun on my face, beheld the magnificence of creation and known the love of a good woman.

I have prayed to you many times over, your the only father I've ever really had. In front of the world let me ask you one more thing father.

You see, I met this woman, she's young, vibrant, full of joy and she loves me more than I ever loved myself. Like me, she was a wayward child, caught up in things she did and didn't ask for and paid the price accordingly.

But like me, she always knew you were the only real father she ever had. You know her well, in fact I believe you guided us to one another at a time when we were both drowning, searching, and feeling the weight of life filled with broken promises and dreams shattered.

You were there the day I asked her for her hand in marriage and you heard our vows and blessed our union.

So now I ask you, please grant me as much time, wisdom, strength and vigor as you see fit to do right by this woman whom I love with all of the heart you gave me to love with.

If today is my last day I could not utter a word of complaint as regards your generosity. However, as is the nature of men, we always want more.

The difference is that in the past, it's alway's been about wanting for myself. Now, for the first time in my life I find myself wanting and asking for something for someone else. Perhaps rising above my own wants and desires to love and give to someone else is your greatest gift and most precious lesson.

I want to show this girl all the wonders and joys that life has to offer. Because she sees and appreciates more with one eye than most do with two.

She has suffered as you know, terrible things, things no one should have to endure, many through no fault of her own and at the hands of others. Yet she remains a bright light, never harboring the bitterness or hate that many, including myself, would have embraced.

What grace I have left please let it be bestowed so that I can love and cherish this precious gift to its fullest measure.

Let me shine my brightest one more time if only to illuminate the beauty you created in her soul. Quicken my step, sharpen my mind, renew my strength and guide me to kindle the remaining embers of a youth wasted into an adulthood realized.

I would promise to make you proud but then you always were father, I just never saw it. I know prayer is a deeply personal experience and you frown on showy displays. But in this life, the one tool you gave me, my greatest ability and talent is the power of expression by written word.

If my gift can inspire one other person to appreciate you for the great father you are, then perhaps it was all worthwhile. Thank you for listening, thank you for my life and the beautiful world in which I have lived it.


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