

A Tailored Void
One by one they come
Never seeming to be done
Every time I murmer
everything I speak
They start ro wrap around me becoming that ever bit firmer
Time after time I try to escape running around in what seems to be a prison unique
Overlapping and unrelenting they wanting to know when I'll grow up
Admired my brothers and sisters are loved and cherished leaving me to be nothing and climb up to them so I can be on par
It's funny really this prison of mine very tangible yet weak in design
left nothing for the eye to see plain in sight they aren't combative but verbal in fight
one by one they take turns no matter the time
Honestly when I look back it genuinely felt like a crime
void of emotion and a care to they were relentless through and through
till the time caee for me to go and be the person I wanted to be
no longer bound by the petals of my family
striving and living the goals I want happily
© ALEX223