

The Pews
We buried a man today
And it made me realize
The hurt in my faith
Because while I grieved
While I cried, while I
Whispered my goodbyes
I felt a pain that had been
With me for a long time

We buried a man today
And though I consciously
Buried him in his grave,
Standing over his casket
I whispered your name,
I grieved for you both
Because, while him and I
Weren't close, I lost you
Like my cousins lost him

We buried a man today
And part of me feels guilty
That I've held a disgrace
That I've dishonored a man
While with the Lord, he lay
But I believe it to be just
To feel what I must, for
I grieved him in grace and
Sent two to the Lord's place

We buried a man today
And I think I've finally
Felt peace in my faith
Through his casket, I've
Relived your old grave
I have mourned, and then
adjourned, my meeting you
To when time sets our return

Because there, in the pew,
I had gotten closure for
never having buried you.

© LiaRay