

You Whom I Called Mine (June 25, 2023)
It's been years since
The last time we've talked.
I wonder how you've been?
Have you found someone new?
Do you ever feel happy now?
I may not know it, but I hope you are.
It's a shame when we couldn't...
Last together for so long.
But even then, you're... You're already gone.
I had hoped though, that you'll see
What it meant to me when
You could've been mine.

You know, I've always wanted
Your gentle touches
And your desirable lips,
That could be intertwined
With mine that screams first time.
Only if that can happen...
Only if we never had
Those unnecessary stress between
The hour you love me,
And the hour you love someone else.
Maybe I could have gotten
A slice of heaven from your kiss,
If it wasn't for that girl you loved.
I feel betrayed, but I already let you go.

You, my love, I'm sorry I ruined
Your expectations of me...
I wanted you back, but I feel so
Hurt and damaged from my actions.
An argument of thorn,
That could've been done different
If I wasn't being the idiot
Of this relationship we could've had.
I'm sorry for everything,
I'm sorry if I disappointed you,
I'm sorry if I am the worst girl.
If there's any way I can repay
The mistakes I've made in the past,
Do me a favor
To please just hug me for my last,
Even if it doesn't seem so real.

All I know of you...
Is You Whom I Called Mine.

© Vyrene

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