

the maze.
It amazes me how the sun's fading rays ricochet warmth from golden blooms
In this labyrinth of towering stems of green, where this world has paused for me and you.
The dimming glimmer of sunshine against the shadows of colossal crowns leave a stunning view
To those eyes the color of the sky, a crystal kind of blue

You whisper a hushed question
With nothing more than a temptatious caress
And a sultry yes that leaves me begging for a taste of your honeyed breath
As sweet bumps rise upon my heated flesh

I sense the way those silent eyes penetrate me
Written on your face for only my soul to see
I find a subtle glow of blood is creeping to my wind-whipped cheeks
Leaving not just my knees unsteady and weak

But the entirety of me

Those massive, yellow blossoms continue to peak
While the blue in those smoldering eyes continue to mold around me
And the feel of calloused fingertips caressing my impassioned cheek
Leave within me a vulnerability unforeseen

For now, however, I feel compelled to watch the sun as it fades
Against the golden rays that shine off of your elegant face
And the towering walls of this sunflower maze
As I promise you forever and always

© krystlereisler