

Symphony of Bones
In the valley of dry bones, I find myself alone
The sun-scorched land offers no peace, no rest
Its been a long time since I’ve drunk from the spring of life
Dry bones, come alive, come alive and walk with me
To the water that cleanses deep
Old bones, broken souls
Buried deep beneath
Rise up, come back to life
The symphony of bones
It’s time to let go of the past
Look ahead; it’s coming fast
Every sunset could be your last
Symphony of bones rise up and fight once more
I find myself surrounded under the desert sky
By bodies of allies
I am no prophet, I am no king
A voice that spent years without drinking from the well
Choices that led me astray from the path
So I walk among these bones
Knowing full well, I deserve to be among them
If this is where you want me to be
Strip the skin and let me be
Among my brothers
Those who fell along the way
But I believe I am good soil
So may I drink again some day
You strip me down
And a black heart is what you’ve found
Strip it down that it may beat again
Alongside this symphony of bones
Alongside others who needed brothers to help them walk along the path
Thorn and dirt have entered in
Pain is my only friend
Until I can bear no more
Symph of bones, raise me up
Lessons learned from the wise
The path is never meant to be easy
Bleeding in desert sand
Will I reach your spring in time
Or will I join the symphony of bones
I find myself alone in the valley of dry bones
Keep moving on, the path is never clear
Faith, lead me home
Faith, come fill me
Trust and thorns go hand in hand
Weaving into each other
Mingled with love
Dry bones, rise up and form an army
To guard the guardians
To stand strong in the midst of fear
Symphony of bones, come alive and drink once again from the spring
© MattDyver