

Soul unseen
In the depths of shadows, I stand alone,
An echo fading, a voice unheard, unknown.
For I am but a whisper, a soul unseen,
In a world that rushes by, oblivious and keen.

Like a forgotten rose in a desolate field,
My worth camouflaged, yet my spirit concealed
I am but a humble actor in life's grand play,
An understudy, yearning for my moment's display.

In the crowded symphony, my note, a mere sigh,
Lost in the crescendo as time hurries by.
I watch as others bask in fortune's gaze,
While I remain hidden, trapped in this maze.

I am the autumn leaf that falls silently down,
Without a rustle, lost in the outstretched ground.
The unnoticed raindrop that trickles away,
Unseen, untouched, fading to shades of grey.

Oh, how I long to break free from this endless woe,
To capture attention, to make my presence show.
But alas, my voice blends with the whispers of air,
Drowned out by the noise, swallowed by the glare.

I walk through life's corridors, a ghostly shade,
Hoping for a moment of recognition, accolade.
But the world moves forward, in its relentless stride,
Leaving me, the overlooked, to wither and hide.

But still, I carry on, resilience my guide,
Finding solace in the shadows, where I abide.
For even in darkness, there's a beauty to behold

For in the depths of solitude, I find my own grace,
To forge a path, untouched by fortune's embrace.
And if amidst this silence, a kindred heart should see,
They'll know the strength that lies in being overlooked, like me.

© dougienever