

To be a piece of fiction,

To be a piece of fiction,
what I say is what you (will) do.
what I think is what you (will) feel.

To be a piece of fiction,
you are a representation, of what I had lost.
you are the hope, I thought I once had.

To be a piece of fiction,
see what I once saw, in the past.
see what I now see, in the present.

To be a piece of fiction,
is it so hard to endure what I had to see?
is it so tough to speak what I had to say?

To be a piece of fiction,
what is there to be worried about?
what do you do that I do not do?

To be a piece of fiction,
you are the shell of my former self.
you are the person they once saw me as.

To be a piece of fiction,
get to it, like I had to get to it!
get your head down, like I so wanted to!

© MyEyesOfLiterature