

Dreaming About Yesterday
With the future laid out before you promising success,
and no problems seeming imminent to hinder happiness.
Thought to be too convenient for something so complex,
like an image of imperfection seen in a mirror that reflects.

Desires left behind in the search for another's dream,
especially if found worth a chance to somehow redeem.
Ignoring the feelings inside which cause great distress,
even though it would be easier for wishes to express.

Being selfless when greater need appears from outside,
which causes you to question if just a matter of pride.
Rushing headlong into the unknown without regret,
despite doubts about any danger waiting to be met.

Finding a difficult situation in which to become part,
and help other people with what breaks them apart.
Bringing together in the end enemies who once fought,
and unite them through solidarity which was sought.

Although left feeling empty and without self-satisfaction,
about what was accomplished with help of interaction.
Even though the world's better off in a some strange way,
wondering what would have been if on course to stay.

© Renopoet