

Question after question after question,
What does it matter why I ask?
I need to know it all,
Am I not entitled to know?

Why does life seem like a test?
Who decides who passes and fails?
And why are we all judged in the end?
And what do the results mean?

Is there someone out there watching us?
Judging every life decision we make?
And when it's all over and done,
Does it really matter if we made the "right" choice?

Why are we here?
What is life for?
Are we here to grow, to learn and explore?
What does the world hold, what secrets hide?
Who are we as humans, and do we have a guide?
What is the meaning of life, is it found in the soul?
Or in the world around us?
Or somewhere far beyond our control?

Are our thoughts controlled by our brains?
Or is our brain controlled by us?
Is it all predetermined?
Is our fate set in stone?

Why do we even fight, when life is so short?
Why is the world the way it is?
Who am I supposed to be?
What am I supposed to do?

Will the world ever know the meaning of life?
Or is it better left a mystery?
Do humans ever search for a reason why?
Why do we question these things?
What is the purpose of existence?

Is there an ultimate goal?
Why don't answers come to us easily?
Is it because there are no answers?
Why do we seek the answers to questions without answers?

Why do we cry when we are sad?
Why do we get angry when we are frustrated?
Why do we love when we are hurt?
Why do we fight when we are tired?
Why do we live when we are dying?
Why do we feel when we are empty?
Why do we laugh when we are lonely?
Why do we hope when we have lost?

Does anything make any sense, my friend?

Why does the sun refuse to shine?
Why does the moon refuse to rise?
Why does the day deny the night?
Why does life deny the light?

Why does the heart deny the truth?
Why can't my heart find what I need?
Why can't my dreams find what they seek?
Why do I feel so lost and weak?

Am I just the sum of all my parts?
Am I just this mortal coil I bear?
Am I a soul in this mortal shell?
Am I this body made from flesh and hair?

What is real? What is true?
What is left of me when I die?
Am I a memory left behind?
A legacy to those who cried?

Am I a person if no one remembers?
Am I still here if left to rust?
Do my actions and my thoughts count
To shape the world while I persist?

why do I even exist?

#poetry #questions #love #life #thoughts #existence #world #memories #poet

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