

Ways can Split but Destiny Can't!
I was just seven years old,
When I heard your first song.
Who could have expected back then,
This journey was going to be so long.

When I am happy,
The upbeat songs make my day more special.
And when I am sad,
The slow relatable ballads mend my soul.

I don't just admire you for the the music you made,
But also for the life lessons you guys taught me.
Life never keeps going on the same lane,
And we must always be ready for the next turn.

I listened to your music by choice,
But becoming a directioner was out of my control.
It's been eleven years since 'The One Direction' was formed,
And became the inspiration for millions.

All of you have gone separate ways now,
And may never return back together in future.
Still, I have this firm belief in my heart,
Ways can split, but destiny can't!

- Anmol Agarwal

I know it is hard to explain on words what #OneDirection means to me but still I tried my best 🙂

Written for #11Yearsof1d

Thanks for reading 😁
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© Anmol Agarwal