

Joe Ann
Dear Grandma,

Although you have been gone for 30 years. Your impact on my life is still with me...
I am writing this letter to you letting the world know how highly I thought about you. Even when everyone destories your name.
You where a pillar full of strength. They wanted you to be humble but you bow down to no one. Grandma I think about setting on the front porch and you painting my nails. You cooking dinner or us shelling peas , us eating your peanut brittle. When you would send me to the store with a note for rag bologna and candy. Going over to Mrs Themas House or walking over to auntie Mary's. All those summers I listen to the birds wake me up or you caughting rain water. Hanging clothes on the line to dry. Giving me garlice water when I was sick or Father John or castoral. Playing down the hill making mud pies. I think about your peach and plum trees. Even when James Child would come and we would eat watermelon..Your hands where healing hands I remember when I tried to kill myself and took some of your pills. You found me in the room near death and somehow revive me. We both cried and you never told a soul. Thank you grandma. You called me Miss Faye because you knew I would be a lady some day. We watched football and wrestling. Not only did you love birds but you loved horses. So many of my Saturday where spent wiping down your figures. There where times when you where hard on me and now I understand why. You know there was something different about me but you never gave up like everyone else. I am sorry I wrote that mean note and blamed Von and he got in trouble. It was me grandma I wrote it but I did not mean it. I think about Sunday morning awaking up to you sing James Cleveland or watching you sing in the choir. I always had a pretty dress to wear because of you. Vacation Bible School where I made a bird house. You kept that ugly house for years. You where disappointed in me when I had Rakheem but welcomed us both in your arms. The very last thing you said to me was these are not the little hands I use to hold as I wiped your face one last time. Now I am a grandma and I pray to be as blessed, wise, beautiful and strong as you. You are not the God awful things they call you. I know you to be unstoppable and couragous. 17 years of my life I shared with you and I thank you so much for it all

Love Always
Miss Faye

© Brelijah47