

Praise God
Praise the Lord
Praise He who holds nothing but a sword.
A sword of flaming fire and power
Not to smite or harm you but rather to stand in front of you and protect His beloved.
Who you might ask? Well let me give you a clue..go to a mirror and tell me who you see.

He never sleeps neither does He take breakes when it comes to taking care of you
His love rather than decreasing, increases with every passing day.
From the first hair on your head to the small pinky toe on your leg,He loves evey bit of you

"But I'm not worthy to come before His feet, neither am I fit to call His name"
"What if my sin makes me filthy and He doesn't want me?"
These thoughts and inner fights pull us away from His Love.

Want to hear a secret? He loves you regardless of what you've done and knowing this answer me this question..
Will you accept your flaws and allow Him love you unconditionally.

© Dora24