

When I am sad, I turn my gaze
Up towards the endless sky
And there amidst the darkened haze
Are twinkling stars that catch my eye

They seem to know just what I need
A reminder of the beauty above
And in their light, my heart does feed
On thoughts of hope and endless love

For there's something about these stars
That speaks to me in silent ways
They seem to heal my hidden scars
And guide me through my darkest days

I am obsessed with these celestial beings
That shine so bright and never fade
In their presence, my soul starts singing
And all my worries seem to evade

They hold the secrets of the universe
And yet, they share their light with me
Their magic never fails to disperse
The clouds of sadness that I see

So when I am feeling lost and low
I'll look up to the stars above
For in their glow, my heart will grow
And find the strength to rise and love.

© nusrataijazlaway