

atomic tragidy
Everything just seems so peaceful
Because in are mind that's what we want. The barriers are running thin
As anger steps is ugly nose in. The things we love are different stuff.
Like video games and other stuff.
We love to feel like we're on top.
So fighting is are mented. Thought.
The air we breathe it toxic now.
Just another way to ask for revenge now. It's never ending until it's time.
We love being feared because we're
The one's who's scared. And yet they'll keep killing you until you've
Had enough the worlds a painful reminder of photos we don't like.
So it's easier to feel at guilt because what's done is done and we can't go
Back to erase that picture we've put up and posts. It's still still still along ways to go. But we can change within ourselves through the choices we make. We must stop being late because once we're dead
That's all that she wrote
© santanna