

Echoes of Agony

When I return to this place, I transform
Into a different soul, trapped in the same form
Gloominess descends, heavy with sorrow's weight
Solitude becomes my sole companion, my heart's fate

Agony's dark shadows envelop me
Hatred and pain, a tormenting melody
I'm lost in the echoes of my mind
A maze of suffering, I'm forever left behind

You, the unwelcome guest, who brings only strife
Why do you haunt me, stealing my life?
You come when I'm happy, when I'm free
A constant reminder of my misery

I refuse to be held captive by your chains
I won't surrender to your destructive reign
Leave me be, let me find my peace
Take your darkness, and release me from this ceaseless ache

Oh, what's the purpose of this endless pain?
What's the value of these tears, this heart in vain?
What should I surrender to break this cycle?
Help me find my way, before I'm forever lost

I'm becoming a broken record, stuck in this pain
A melancholy refrain, echoing through my brain
But still, I hold on to hope's fragile thread
And pray for the strength to rise above this darkness, to be free instead

© carly