

Can You Hear The Whispers?

Can you hear the whispers of nature?

The snow is a blanket on the ground
from flakes silently crashing down.
The trees crackle and bend leaning towards winter winds,
winter winds that whistle through the breeze,
replying back to the trees.

then comes and the light humming of the bees
as they glide from petal to petal with ease.
The whispers of nature are heard in the plants as they reach to the sun,
all in unison as if they are one.

can you hear the whispers emanating from the trees
as early morning rains drip from the leaves?
They sound like they are talking, stalking through the
woods almost ghostly, telling secrets of life that you miss if you aren't listening closely.

comes the beginnings ending
as the falling leaves scatter descending in the breeze.
They are whispering farewell to the trees.

note: photo copyright @wallaani

© wallaani