

Need Some Peace
I can't express the refreshing sweetness
Seeing your face, you fill my heart with so much joy,
You fill my life with serenity
Happiness and everything I yearn for every day.
Real Happiness is when you are with the perfect somebody in a precise way.
Not everyone can make you grope the same way.
I am not at the proper pace
my mind is threatening me every single day
My heart is getting hefty with each passing day
I am distressed & uneasy
looking for harmony and eternity.
I want a moment, a moment of love and joy.
Don't know what to say,
Don't know whom to say,
Don't know anything, going on my way...
Need someone to come and snatch me wait and stay,
I am on the next way
waiting for you to move toward my way...!!
Yes, I need somebody
to make me feel free and easy.
seeking peace,
seeking somebody
to be my serenity.
it's just so heavy,
Can't resist it anymore,
Once in a lifetime,
everybody feels the same way
A heavy heart and imperiling mind,
in need of a cure that comes as peace.
Peace for a little period,
To heal the misery,
To heal the pain,
To heal everything I am suffering every day.
Need that peace to Stay,
not possible anyway...
Still gazing and marveling
towards the sky,
Please God brought me, my peace
and let it stay...!!

© Swati Shrivastava