

"What Just Happened?"
My feelings are hurt
And my heart is so sad
Especially after going through
EVERYTHING that we have
You never even asked me
You just accused me off the rip
You called me a compulsive liar
And said how I needed to take ownership!
Take ownership of what exactly?
For something I haven't done?!
Then you go and accuse me
Of everything else under the sun
You accused me of cheating and said
I had some other niggas on the line
How can that be when I'm ALWAYS at home
Trying to follow YOUR strict guidelines?
It seems to me lately I've ONLY been a "booty call"
Ain't good for nothing else EXCEPT for sex
Even went as far as implying I was trash
But then turn around & demand that I give YOU respect?!?!
During these eight long months
You're the ONLY person I've had out here
I knew I shouldn't have gotten close to you
Cause now you threatening to up and disappear
I guess I should have seen it coming
Seen it coming more than a MILE AWAY
But somehow I always knew that
You would break my heart one day
I never thought it would end like this!!
Or how I would be left in this "frame of mind"
I guess it's true about that saying
When they say that "Love is Blind"

My feelings are hurt.....
And my heart is so sad.....

© De Ona Charamut