

I met you
at the end of time itself
When things were dark
No voice to myself
Deviod of meaning
A quiet farewell
The heavy hung in the void
Those who dammed thyself.
But though my pain
a story called Orion,
gentle with grace
Awoken the night
When the day decayed
Lit up my heart
like a gentle flame.
A nova
A warmth in the cold
May my heart fuel you
Use my body as coal
So that I may hold you
To see warmth I'd never know.
In the beginning of days
I breathe in a girl
Flesh torn into blades
Now a goddess
The constellation is my name
empty is my grave
As I was chained,
beauty and grace
Till it withered away
On a frail face
I shall never decay
For a star looked my way
One that walked on waves
Till stung by travesty
a love too great
Is left endless
At the end of time itself.


© LaurenTarabori