

Where’d my sweet little girl go
I used to feel everything so deeply it cut right to my heart
piercing it deep and the pain was physical an ache in my chest and in my throat because I sometimes had to hold back tears they built up like a pressure inside of me and my heart would feel like exploding
I would give all of my heart away wear it on my sleeve and there it stayed I cared deeply for many one and many thing
they would call me sensitive sweet caring but hardened my heart became
and all the times I held back my tears it started building a dam blocking any from flowing
care I could not ; bare the many blades that stabbed in my heart now stone
it cracks and breaks and sometimes I could feel the pain and sometimes I could feel joy and give chips and pieces away and wear them on my sleeve
and all the world that would mean to me because I could feel and even though my world had flipped the cracks grew bigger and bigger and I embraced the pain
the tears streamed down my face and I looked up and gave a sad smile because I am still human and that happy sensitive caring little girl is still in there
heavily guarded by fortress walls faded...but alive for I haven't killed her and perhaps never will she die... ~The end

This is about being so numb pain is a welcome reminder that who you once were is still alive in there somewhere titled after the parents that ask where their happy children went and how much that statement cuts you.
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