


Sometimes, dream lands are necessary
For the escape you ought to find
Or the fantasies within confined
Seeking through a love undefined
Places of pure peace and kind

Sometimes, wishes & wants are necessary
On the hope for it's fulfillment
In pain of failure, disagreement
Desires of eminent enlistment
Till the arrival of awaited shipment

Sometimes, downfall are necessary
To rise up yet above the ruin
Return with a roar more heighten
Despite flounder, no terror-stricken
Determined to hit the aim again

Sometimes, gratitude are necessary
To boast a rave of confidence
Cheer, cajole, staying assurance
Making loss-profit or inheritance
Recognition in vote and valence

Sometimes, sometimes are necessary
Things that makes you wonder
Guess the mess upon blunder
Fancy future, past, present under
Imaginations of plans with ponder


© nehamm10