

took a glance at the future
*i take a glance at the future*

I swallow my coffee,letting the beautiful flavour dance ony tongue, looking at the clock ,a quarter to nine.
I feel a thrill as I bit save , finishing what o was writing..
oh God ,it was an emotional rollercoaster letting the last year's fall from my fingers as they rolled down my cheeks,
I was happy with it even I nobody would ever see or read it
I breathe deep feeling alive, I hear him come clomping up the deck stairs ..
I smiled conjuring the feeling of his gorgeous hands ,oh,and the way they felt,
The door opens,I scamper around the Corner
there he was ,jeans slung down low on his hips ,cambray shirt ,buttoned wrong ,his boots untied ,his large hands covered with dirt ,filled well past full of gorgeous sun ripe strawberries,
oh he worked happily on thet little patch of heaven , weeding, fertilizing,and planting.l loved how he looked watching it grow .pride smatterd across his beautiful ...
his smile framed by his delicious lips so very full of life ,happy luscious life.
I spent so many years dead,I literally thirsted for that glorious feeling.
@wild poet !
© @wild poet