

From a distance,
the incessant chant of monsoon from south west,
sounds like an old witch practising her craft,

Clouds grow and loom, from above, filling the atmosphere, like a cancer.

A sudden charge darts with tormultous pounding, bolts against itself, echoing violently in the wind.

Without notice the great cloud expels it's cargo, like an enemy plane distributes, it's artillery,

The wind grows to a deafening volume, the earth shows off her amazing force, with ease,

The air is filled with a satisfying aroma, as the sky blackens, and demands control.

The heavy mass from above, is leaving as quickly as it arrives, leaving the soft, fine mist,

Silence fills the heavens and spreads down to my feet, the eerie phantom, vibrations are all that's left,

The view is enormous, the size comparison is astounding, breathtaking.

Further on its journey, it's trudges along, growing more and more distance between you and it,
- As you turn to take one last glimpse, you finally see it's size, it's enormity, and beauty, Mother Earth is a truly special gift.

© crying.gemini.369