

"In the velvet veil of night's dark shade,
Secrets are whispered, a gentle serenade.
Soft and deep, the lullaby unfolds,
A symphony of shadows, young and old.
Sweet nothings spoken, in the darkness true,
A mysterious melody, whispered anew."


"Above, a celestial canvas so fair,
Twinkling stars dance, with a gentle air.
A heavenly display, for all to see,
A divine spectacle, of wonder and glee.
A show of sparkling lights, in the evening glow,
A celestial wonder, for all to know."


"The moon, a luminous sphere of light,
Casts shadows silver, in the silent night.
A glowing orb, that shines so bright,
Illuminates darkness, with a gentle might.
In the still of night, its radiance plays,
Casting shadows bright, in a peaceful sway."


"In slumber's embrace, the world finds rest,
A peaceful silence, that's truly blessed.
The nights whisper secrets, in a gentle tone,
Soft and deep, a lullaby, all its own.
In the still of night, the world is kept,
In a tranquil slumber, where secrets are swept."


"The wind whispers low, a mournful sound,
A gentle sigh, that echoes all around.
The darkness reigns, with a quiet might,
Until the morning light, banishes the night.
The shadows flee, as dawn's rays unfold,
And the wind's soft sigh, is a tale of old."


"The nights, a mystic veil, do softly fold,
A time for dreams, and a peaceful hold.
A charm that whispers, sweet and low,
A calming balm, for the heart to know.
In darkness deep, a peaceful nest,
The nights enfold, and give us rest."


"So let the nights, with their whispers low,
Enfold you deep, in a peaceful glow.
Their secrets sweet, like a lullaby,
Will rock you gently, to a peaceful sky.
In their dark embrace, find a tranquil nest,
And let the nights, give you a peaceful rest."


"And may the darkness, be a guiding light,
A gentle friend, through the silent night.
May it enfold you, with a soothing embrace,
Until the dawn breaks, and a new day takes its place.
Then may the morning, with its radiant beam,
Awaken hope, and banish the night's dark dream."


© godshand