

Mind reader
Is it fun to be a mind reader,
to know about people's thoughts,
it feels a little bit weirder.

To read about people's happiness and sorrow,
don't your and their privacy,
became so small and narrow.

All think different,
but never wish to be readed,
still you know about their lifes back and front,
you'll feel your mind faded.

Don't their voices,
stay inside you and,
create big wide crises.

The songs they sing,
or book they read,
clocks ting tong ring,
or a wide laughter of a kid.

Your memory fills in,
and no storage left,
no your thoughts can't win,
and there voices can't by swept.

Still you can take a break,
by taking control,
it's just piece of cake,
be your self and rock and roll.
© Saee