

The eyes have it
I've never seen such pretty eyes
So pure and beautiful free from any disguise
Light brown with a golden tint
Fresh like bay leaves fresh like mint
I tried not to stare too much
To avoid their strong allure and pull
But I couldn't help it I've never seen such
So round fitted and perfectly full
They tell beautiful little stories
And many untold mysteries they hold
He probably doesn't know how I admire his
They are beautiful palms of pure gold
I want to unravel each and every hidden mysteries
And read all their recorded sightings and histories
They say the eyes are the way to one's soul
So I guess what I'm really saying is I want to unravel you as a whole
Your inner thoughts and desires
What you like and don't like
Everything that my eyes admires
Those eyes..just really made my heart spike
I don't think you even know the effect it has on me
I wish you could see what I see
But I can't tell you due to fear
But I'll always admire them from right here🩷
© eve_is_a_poet

#prettyeyes #honeybrown #soulful #crush