

Your existence
To my dear sister,
Each day we grew
and the love between us too
Every single time we fought
you gave it a careful thought
Every day I wept
you never left
Every second you gave
all that I take
Always made me feel so special
Never thought much about your level

Now I'm running hard towards you
with uncontrollable joy, what can I do
there's nothing else I would like to
except showing how much I love you
I know for a matter
there's no secret hidden
no word unspoken
no laugh noncontagious
everyday I wanna show you
how better life is and without a clue I knew
that all this is because of you
Your existence.
Thank you for the pitter-patter
of your tiny feet
that walked into my life
breaking my barriers
banging the silence away from my life.
Thank you for your existence
by my side.
I love you forever and the most
Happy birthday Akka😗❤❤❤
© manasamuse10