


Maybe the sun will be warmer like it was back then,
Maybe I will have the life I had back then.
Until then I only have with me a 'maybe'.

Maybe when I will open the door you will show me your new look,
Maybe when I pass the kitchen I would see you Cook,
Or maybe when I walk down the stairs to the library,
I will see you reading a new book.

Maybe when I open my eyes in the morning you will be next to me,
Or maybe you will be sitting down with a newspaper drinking your coffee,
Maybe once again you will look up to me from the paper,
And give a warm and heart cheering smile to me.

Maybe once again my dead heart will be lively,
Maybe once again we get to be a family,
Maybe one day my dream would become a reality,
Until then I only have with me a 'maybe'.


© Viraj