

This poem is dedicated to the writer 's
A writer
Is a candle
without candle
There is no light
If there is one candle atleast
Every dark place will become bright place
Without writer
There is no books
To write books
A writer should be there
Without writer
Without books
There is no education
How we learn
Without writer
There is no movie
Who will write the story
without writer
How the movie will take
without writer
A writer will write the whole story
In the movie
After only a movie will take
Without any story
There is no movie
A writer
By using his/ her two fingers holding the pen
Will write a beautiful writings like gold
How a farmer important for this world
A Writer also important for this world
Without writer
There is no world
A pen is a food for a writer
Without pen there is no writings
Number of gold writings
Written with pen 🖊️ only
By a writer
~ sravya