

The Soothing Sound of Your Voice
The soothing sound of your voice,
Echoes in my mind, with no remorse.
It comforts me, when times are hard,
Lifts me up, helps me carry on.
When I'm lost, and don't know why,

Your voice, fills my heart with bliss,
A melody, that never amiss.
It's like a balm, a soothing balm,
That heals the pain, that fills my palm.
It brings me hope, in darkest hour,
A song of love, with healing power.

Your voice, my love, will last forever,
A gift so dear, it will not sever.
It will be with me, through the years,
A memory, that never disappears.
A comfort, a joy, a precious gem,
Your voice, my love, I'll always stem.
So thank you, for this gift so grand,
Your voice, my heart, will always stand.
Your voice, my love, my life's refrain,
Forevermore, 'til the end of days.

©️M_Jay Writes🖋️🖋️
© M_Jay Writes🖋️🖋️