

I stole from my dead neighbor
I stole from my dead neighbor.

Before we resumed 200level my neighbor was dead... Although he died during the holiday we only got the news after resumption. prior to this, he had given me his spare key should Incase he got locked out.

Now I'm from a not so well to do family so I didn't have a lot of things people my age had, I know it's not a reason but as I sat down in my room wondering who would make use of everything he left behind knowing I didn't have those things, I couldn't help myself.
So I picked up the key went into his room and well took a lot of things,
from clothes, shoes,bags, perfumes, eye glasses, earpods, and hmmmm his TV.

when his family came over they picked up what was remaining and left, no questions.

I realize now that I shouldn't have done what I did I mean he was dead and I took his things. It's been almost 5 years though and each time I remember, I feel as guilty as I did when I stole them...

For more epic short stories click 👉 #secretroom .... enjoy
© deola_amope

note: pictures are of random people on Pinterest, they are not of the actual people who own the stories....