

Our House of secrets
There are too many skeletons in our closets
Some truth spilled from me, she spilled even more,
Within this house, too many secrets do pour.
If I stay quiet, she’d snatch my life away,
From me, she’d steal my light, night and day.

In closets deep, her skeletons quietly reside,
Their secrets locked, in darkness they hide.
My eyes tightly shut, my ears blocked to the sound,
Yet their bones rattle, their whispers so profound.

Her secrets concealed, her mysterious lore,
The price of knowledge, what lies in store?
In this hidden realm, where shadows play,
I contemplate the cost, night and day.

But deep within my heart, my skeletons lie in wait,
Cages sealed, keys cast astray.
Their rattles lost to me , a warning to her and I,
Too many secrets in this house but we hold the key.

© inkedNivek