

Loneliness to Solitude

No I never asked for it but that's all I got
So I cried almost everyday Why me? asking to God
No one ever visited me, bothered to invite me
I never understood why they don't like me
I celebrated my birthdays and festivals all alone in all the seasons
while I could see them partying almost everyday for some or other reason
It did hurt, can't explain the pain,anger and agony
Then one fine day I stopped trying and was ok with being lonely
I was growing as a loner and somewhat started liking the situation
I learned to enjoy my own company and realised that I need no one
lots of me time lots of introspection lots of growth, lots of self love and yet lot to find
Now I am kinder, smarter, self resilient with no confusions or questions in mind
Yes I am self resilient however people call it attitude
This is my journey from loneliness to solitude

© preeti- let's talk life