

Come before i lost my feelings
for the song

You know how they make you feel
Like a nostalgia but actually a feeling that you've never felt

I listen on repeat
So come before I get bored
Come before I consume what made me miss you
Before that tape is done
The one that reminds me of the memories we never had

I listen to that song
Talks about how it gets cold
It makes me feel something
I don't know what it is
But my mind wants to name it
Its wants to call it "you"
So until I get bored of this melody
I'll miss you I guess

So come before it ends
Come before I get used to this song
Come before it gets familiar
Come before the phase that I can't skip that song comes
Cause its new and I love it so much
Come before it becomes a ordinary song
Come before it becomes "a" song
Come because I love this song