

sister....The angels
Sisters - The Angels

That day I was unhappy as mother has scold me
But swiftly a beautiful hand touched my shoulder I whoosh who is she
She is not other than my elder sister
Who solve my affliction I am indispensible for her.

Absolutely sister are real angels
Without her I would be fragile
Her utmost priority is always me
Her actions always make me glee.

When I was dull and embark to wail
She not give me sympathy but retain
Ultimately I perceive astonished gives her empathy
So that at the end we both perky.

She always crave that I would be triumphant
Whenever I fade she feels dejected
Beyond my parents she is my pedagogue
Following her I have never bear woe.

Beyond sister she is my peerless companion
We talk claptrap inevitably
Together we have tons of amusement
One day I will miss her thinking I feel despondent.

Undoubtedly sisters are Angels
Her existence in home makes it worthy
Without her home is like a hell
In lucid words her presence make dwell accomplished.
© @Yash Raj