

Don't fall in love with the devil
And when his shadow turns into the devil

Grows horns And a forked tongue

Believe it

He will tell you it is a trick of the light

He will bet on you not noticing the fact there is not enough light to create shadows down here

He will bet on this fact because he is looking into your eyes

And you will be hypnotised

But try

Try and tear your gaze away

Because his shadow isnt lying

His face is

I know his eyes seem so pretty

And nothing that pretty has ever been dangerous

But I swear to you This moment is when you learn that the prettiest things hurt the most

Unless you walk away right now

Walk away right now

And when he leans in close

His breath a ghost against your ear And he whispers


Dont listen

He will destroy you Before you even blink

Because his forked tongue spills lies

Even if it feels honest when he kisses you

And his horns will draw blood Even his hair feels so soft when he let's you run your hands through it

He is barbed wire Wrapped up in human skin

But the sharpness can break through So easily

He could destroy you so easily

And he has no reason not to

He tells you he would never hurt you

Because you love him But he shouldn't need a reason not to hurt you

He tells you he would never hurt you

Because he loves you But he doesnt mean it

And when you tell yourself "Maybe I'm different’

You're not He will rip your heart out Shatter your soul

Carve his name into your skin

And then he will laugh at how he got you to believe in him

And he will leave And he will be fine He will be fine

But you will never be the same

So please

When his shadow turns into the devil Believe it

When he looks into your eyes

Look away

And when he begs you to stay


Because I know it sounds romantic to be the one to fall in love with the devil

But I promise you

It isn't.