

Shift in tides
Like the aimlessly blowing wind,
a mindlessly blooming flower,
I thoughtlessly made my choices
inconsiderate of my inner voices.

Like the endlessly walking time,
the tirelessly flowing water,
I needlessly wasted my hours
hoping your change for good.

My presence to you, nothing grand,
but a caged canary, beautifully planned,
singing, awaiting your petty treats
within the confines of your deceit.

People drift from mundane lives,
unlike tides that relentlessly thrive,
reaching out, trying to hold
the forever indifferent shore.

Nothing shifted profoundly,
except for my emotional sea,
which you never cared about,
neither then nor now, no doubt.

Like a wave and shore, water and oil,
cursed are we to eventually part ways,
never to mix or blend in harmony,
and move on to our desired pathways.

Like a violent sea that shatters a yacht,
roared my rage of disappointment,
wishing to crush the railings that stood,
Blocking my access to anyone I could.

Forever and ever will I strive,
tirelessly until death arrives;
No more do I wish to comply,
content within your pretentious care.

© Pandora