

Till you achieve it.
When things will go wrong always,
As sometimes they do,
When that road you are trudging,
Seems like climbing a hill,
When the funds are gold,
And debts are very high.

And you always wish to smile,
But you have a sigh,
When care always pressed you down,
You should rest, but don't give up.

Life has its uphills and downhills,
As 'everybody' learns this,
When they try to win.
Struggle though,
That pace seems very slow,
But you may succeed with another blow.

Because when the struggler has given up,
There are things, they might have captured by luck.
But they realized it when it was too late,
To always struggle
Always stick to the fight,
It doesn't matter how hard it seems,
You will have it, because things will always get well.