

I know why you didn’t stay
my father
being unprepared
the list goes on and lengthens with time
as to why you won’t stay
but as the list of reasons grows
our time shrinks
and those few hours we have
are all that keeps me from unraveling
from caving into the outside pressures
to be my father
to be less like my mother
so why don’t you stay?

I know that you’re going
even though it’s not far away
and I know that you have no choice
fate is pulling you to your path
because once you cross that threshold
once your parents let you go
fate snatches you up into her tight grasp
but god
if you really wanted to couldn’t you stay?

I know it’s not fair to you
to ask you to throw away your reason
to ask you to defy fate
but god
if you really wanted to couldn’t you stay?

© AllisonKC07