

Impossible Decision...
Think about a time in your life when you couldn’t make a decision, and write a poem based on it.

#writcoapp #writer

I have spent countless hours,
days and nights,
Overthinking and going back and forth about what I am supposed to do,
I still don't have an answer on how I am not supposed to miss you,
I tried working myself to damn near exhaustion day after day,
Writing pages of poetry of things I still had to say

I was angry, sad, broken and bruised,
Around me a mountain of crumpled paper,
none of them used,
I screamed in frustration, as I asked
"Why did you go?!"
Now I sit here defeated, because that answer I will never know,
I can't decide if I hate you or not,
I threw out your letters and presents,
The whole damn lot

The heartbreaking part about this all,
You didn't leave willingly, it wasn't your call,
Everyone tells me that you are in a "better place " now,
How is leaving me alone on this planet better, tell me how?
I know I have to let you go,
But it bloody hurts you know?
The decision to only have you in my heart,
Was the most difficult decision when death decided to rip us apart
© Lolla Smith