

Is death truly the end of life? It is the opposite of birth; life is eternal. We just live in different dimensions. I questioned everything because I sought the truth. After all, "the truth shall set you free" and I desire to be free.

I often get lost in thoughts and form, but with life, all we can do is surrender. It's more difficult to be silent than be misunderstood; this I know because I once stood the fool. With a mind filled with words like an ocean poetry has become my canoe.

These are just the many voices in my head, and to set them free, they must form words. I desire to be heard, not seen, and Pain could be a lesson or a blessing, depending on how you look, because the eyes only see what the mind can comprehend. Even in obscurity, If you look, you'll see because I've seen, and all I see is the beauty of life.
© Ddawnofpoetry7