

writers's block
I want no
I want more
I want something pure
no matter how's the flow i grow
I won't slow

I'm somewhere between the rock and hard place my mind go slow it doesn't pick up the better pace
writer's block is blocking my dreams can I rest my case
I'm so tired of putting good word's together
they put me between humble and hell

but my worry is in other heart's I'm a healer

in other sad faces I'm a smile maker
some sees me as a maintainer yes I'm a smile keeper. this pen is my pillar
but this writer's block my passion killer

the ink is my testimony
my hope in this ink is to spark a light in everyone heart's
spark a peace to people who wanted each other's piece
let's push this with passion yes my mind is blocked
but I know your heart's is what I'll rock

it's been to long but my heart will remain so strong
I'll hold my pen tight
I'll write until I get this right
I will keep on getting up until I win this fight
© imbongi yosizi zinjile